This stand of small pines no doubt holds some hidden secrets, some of which were revealed following a recent heavy snow. Rabbits, fox, red squirrels, as well as the deer have been using the small pines for cover. The photo above shows how the limbs of the pines cover the ground beneath them pretty well and even more so in other areas. This photo, taken on 13 Dec. 2009, shows evidence of a deer bed which was quite likely used the night before. No deer trails have been discovered at this point running through the pines. But, I hope to clarify this in future posts. The deer may be using this stand of pines as morning bedding areas, but I have yet to prove that either.

The stand of small pines borders much of the primary wood lot to the south and serves as the boundary to the fields surrounding Mark's home. But, despite its relatively small size, it is still a royal pain to navigate even with two logging trails passing through it. The logging trails are strewn with debris as well as rooted stubs of small trees that have been trimmed down. I can't tell you how many I tripped over as they were hidden in the snow. There is also a small muddy creek that runs from Marks property through the further-most western end of this stand of pines.
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