31 October 2009

Pursuit 002 - October

This little fella to the right is "Grey". I felt I should mention him for every time I was in my tree stand he would make his way across the forest floor to see me. Yes, I know it's actually a red squirrel. Oddly, and thankfully he never made a warning call to let the forest know that I was around. He'd just sit on the limb he's perched on in the photo, looking at me, and perhaps trying to figure out what I was or what I was doing up in a tree. Perhaps I'll go out and gather up a pile of pine cones for him to mess with during the winter.

From the Journal:


"Did some scouting this afternoon out beyond my treestand. I had been out there a couple of times and knew there was a wood lot, but didn't want to get lost as I did the first time I explored the property. I had never really taken a good look at it though, so I just walked around. Found plenty of deer sign in one part of the logged area in the form of droppings, tracks, and trails. But, no rubs or scrapes yet."

"I also spooked something that was in the swamp (West Creek). Not sure what it was but it sounded too big to be a deer of the size I have seen around here. Had to have been a bear, moose, or a giant deer. I'm leaning towards a moose (they make me nervous). I'm not sure who owns the land that was cut, but I'm gonna try and find out tomorrow."

"On the way out from the logged area I tracked my way towards my tree stand and find fresh deer tracks right down the trail my stand overlooks...just 20 yards from my tree! The bugger! Not that I could have done anything today...the season is closed.


"I called the family who owns the area that was select-harvested (the wood lot) last year and got permission to hunt the remainder of the property. It is essentially one-half square mile per my estimation, and includes the wood lot, pasture lands, swamps, and lake boundary area. She advised that I pick up property maps from the town and bring them by so she could define the boundary lines for me, if needed."


"Scouting was a somewhat productive day. I determined that moose are indeed using the swamp. I saw one adult bull, numerous tracks and droppings. Saw some deer sign around the swamp, but not much. The wind has been blowing crazy all day with gusts over 40 mph, trees snapping off too. It was also warm today, around 65 degrees F and was difficult to keep from sweating."

Prior to Oct 29, I had permission only to hunt a small area of the property...a total of about 25 acres. My initial surveys of the property lead me to believe the deer may be using the area surrounding one of the homesteads and thus I decided to put my treestand at an area where the forest transitioned from hardwoods into pines along East Creek (an edge within the standing timber). I had found a point where two deer trails met and put my stand up to overlook the junction. My first half dozen hunts from the treestand revealed nothing, except that deer weren't passing through while I was sitting in the stand.

View of the left-hand trail passing my tree stand.

During October, my main objective was gaining access to the land and practicing with my bow and getting it re-tuned. I was sad that the early season was over, but there were times as I sat in the tree stand where I wasn't confident that I could hit anything anyways...and it bugged me. So, in the off-season I continued practicing and exploring more and more of the property.

Even at this point, I began to feel that my tree stand could be in a much better location, such as over looking the wood lot. I just didn't know where exactly to put it.

27 October 2009

Pursuit 001

Well, since it was only misting rain this mornin', I rolled out of bed and hit the shower, and started gettin' ready for a wet sit in the tree, including my old military gore-tec jacket.

Now, of course this time I remember EVERYthing, including snacks so I load up the car and drive to the neighbors house. They won't be around until early December so I'm sure they won't mind me parking in their driveway....the rain picks up to a drizzle.

As I cross the field the ground feels like soaky moss, and though wet the field grass snaps like crisp Doritos. Finally, I reach the wooded edge and step to the wet leaves which are silent..thankfully...and then I notice a subtle babling sound..."Eh? That sounds like water." Immediately, I'm a little concerned as it sounds closer than the tree stand.

A couple of minutes later, I realize that I won't be making it to the tree stand today as a creek is now before my feet, and though it's raining, I'm not looking to get my feet soaked before sittin'. So, a quick change in plans and I'm sittin' under a small pine which is also sheltered under a larger one, just thirty yards from my tree. It's dark as I turn off the cap-light.

Almost immediately I can hear something moving but it's still too dark to do anything but sit still. The new creek is making it nearly impossible to hear anything but crisp snaps of twigs...I sit still.

A gust of wind in the tree tops was my warning...which I blankly missed. Another gust bows the tops of the trees. I only know they are swaying from the sound of knockin’ limbs. The roar in the tree tops dampens even the sound of the creek…only briefly. In hind-sight, think this was God trying to tell me “You got a few minutes to reach the car.” But, in the moment, I’m still thinking I'm better off sittin’ here under these trees than swaying in my tree-stand. The wind roars the tree tops again…and then it’s silent…with the exception of the creek, and light is just beginning to beckon through the trees.

It’s still twenty minutes before legal shooting, I’m nearly frozen with anticipation and excitement. My hands damp and pruning from the light drizzle. Then, it starts…rain. Well, first it’s just rain but it’s soon replaced by a waterfall of drenching bombs of liquid cold. So….I run, (and I didn’t waste a second to consider it),…all the way back to the car…completely soaked, and happy I wasn’t sitting in the treestand. I hop into the car putting the bow into the front passenger seat and that’s when I noticed the bow string. The previous morning I had heard what sounded like a single guitar string plucked. It appears that a couple of strands around the peep-sight may have made the sound…not sure exactly, but that is my suspicion.

Anyways…it’s pouring friggin’ hard outside the car…I’m soaked to the bone.. Even my buttcheeks feel the soggy cold. I head home, dump the clothes on the deck and run inside with just my boxers. Ah…warm. A towel and a new dry pair of boxers and I’m back in bed. Then I’m up again…gathering my wet clothes and tossing them into the wash. One more day left of bow season…so long as it’s not raining…I’m goin’ in the morning.

25 October 2009


Welcome to my new blog!

Here, I'll be writing about a variety of interests, more as a way of keeping a journal, or simply sharing my own perspectives (we can never know enough of them).

The "Pursuit (nnn)" blogs will be a series of posts describing my little adventures into my new hunting area with particular attention to the wildlife, namely the White-tailed deer. This will be a learning process for myself, and perhaps others who are learning new hunting areas, so I am open to hearing your input on the habits of the White-tail or perhaps strategies I should try in the future. It's been a long time since I spent any time consistently hunting deer, and I have certainly forgotten much about their habits and tendencies. So, don't be surprised if I spout something that is common sense to other hunters. I'm relearning. Hopefully, I'll be able to add photos and maybe videos along with the blogs for eye-candy.

I will also be posting blogs about hunting, fishing, and snowboarding outings, archery lessons, recipes, and perhaps a political or spiritual writing on occasion. Just to warn you in advance, though, I am politically conservative (very anti-"big government progression", anti-"big commerce/business government", anti-lobby, anti-union, anti-Federal Reserve, and the list goes on, and perhaps I can further specify in a future blog). I am also a staunch but non-judgemental Christian. (Staunch only for myself. I'm not here to save humanity....sorry.)

Again, WELCOME to my new blog! I hope you find enlightenment through my brilliance or even entertainment out of my absurd stupidity...both of which I possess.